
Rabies Titre Test

Rabies Titre Test

Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralisation test OR RNATT Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre Test.
Fluorescent Antibody Virus Neutralisation tests, sometimes known as RNATT (Rabies Neutralising Antibody Titre Test) which are internationally recognised for purposes of pet travel. A passing test result will demonstrate to globally recognised standards that a cat or dog has been effectively vaccinated against rabies. The test is to be performed by only certified laboratory internationally

Pet Travel Regulations

For pet owners looking to travel abroad with their pets, it is important to realise that pet travel regulations vary significantly around the world. Both where you are travelling to and where you are travelling from will impact on the rabies testing requirements for your pets.
Below is a basic guide to regulations for some of the origin and destination pairings we most frequently receive enquiries about. It is still critically important that when planning pet travel, owners check the current rabies testing requirements of their destination country along with all other requirements, so as to ensure all goes smoothly.

Travelling from India to the Europe / UK or other countries

India is an unlisted third country for pet travel meaning Indian pet owners are required to obtain a rabies blood test certificate, prior to travel to the UK. Unlisted third country status applies to all which do not have listed status and generally reflects a higher prevalence of rabies and/or less robust veterinary and administrative systems.
Please check with your Pet travel consultant or the concerned authorities for all regulatory requirements
Contact Us: If you need to contact us about rabies testing you can call VETLAB on – 011-41642212, +91-9899224186 or email us at support@vetlabs.in Please note if you are contacting us about a sample that has been submitted to us, please have the animal’s NAME / LAB NO number at hand.

Have a Question? Talk to Us!

If you have any questions or wish to learn more about the diagnostic provisions for companion animals, fill out our contact form or simply call 011 66 448 448.

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