
Pet Parents

Being a Pet Parent

Raising healthy and happy pets is a multifaceted art having various aspects of different gravities. As a pet parent, it is your responsibility to ensure the physical and mental well-being of your pets. While most pet parents leave no stone unturned to provide their pets with an ideal environment, not many are actually able to, due to a lack of knowledge and resources. That brings us to the question – what do pets really need?

Making them “Belong”

Most pet parents focus on creating a safe and loving environment for their pets, which includes getting a comfy bed, creating a play area, and making them feel welcomed. The choices are endless for pet parents who wish to do more than that. From pampering our pets with grooming sessions to getting them microchipped for their safety, there is virtually no end to what one can do to be a great pet parent!

Maintaining a Health Record

As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to take your pet for regular veterinary checkups. This helps you to keep track of your pet’s health and make sure that you maintain a health record. Maintaining a health record of your pet allows the vet to have a historical record of your pet’s health which helps them assess your pet’s health condition and devise a suitable course of action to deal with the problem at hand.

Focusing on Socializing

While most pet parents allow their pets to socialize with other animals and people, not every pet parent pays attention to the time they allow their pets.

Keep a Close watch !!

Just like us, our pets require medical attention when they fall sick, but unlike us, they are unable to say it when they do. As a pet parent, you need to keep an eye open for abrupt changes in the behaviour of your pets, and any red flags must be immediately reported to a licensed veterinary doctor to get a proper diagnostic-based treatment. Never administer any over-the-counter drugs intended for humans to your pets as the consequences could be grave.

As a pet parent, we want the best of everything for our pets. Then why compromise when it comes to taking care of their health? Make sure your pet gets world-class diagnostic services from VETLAB, India’s 1st privately-managed chain of NABL-accredited veterinary laboratories. To learn more, contact form or simply call 011 66 448 448.

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