
Companion Animals

Companion Animals

They are happy when we are happy, they are sad when we are sad, and the moment it comes to expressing their love for us, they put even the most ardent Romeos to shame! Yes, they are our companion animals! No doubt companion animals deserve everything we can do to return their unconditional love and keep them healthy and happy, but the task is easier said than done. Whether you are a “dog person”, “cat person”, or simply an “animal person”, you would agree that being a pet parent can be tough, more so in developing countries such as India, where the availability of world-class veterinary diagnostic services is always a concern.
VETLAB is here to change that, for good.

Being a True Pet Parent

Being a true pet parent goes beyond filling up their food bowls and taking them to a vet when they fall sick. In fact, welcoming a companion animal into your family is a responsibility that is no less than raising a child. This responsibility involves being committed to the pet for its lifetime, taking care of all aspects of its wellbeing, such as exercise, grooming, veterinary care, and of course, love and time.Here are a few guidelines to help you take care of your companion animals:


The housing space you have for your companion pet must have adequate room to allow for free movement. The place should be safe and clean, provide easy access to food and water, and have the right temperature.


Just like any other animal, companion pets should be fed nutritious food that complements their daily needs. Make sure that you provide clean food that is needed for optimum growth, and maintains normal body weight, lactation and reproduction.


Your companion pet needs to have easy access to fresh and clean drinking water around the clock. If you use watering tubes or water bottles, make sure that they are regularly cleaned and sanitized.


The sleep bedding of your companion animal must be clean and free from toxic substances and chemicals, and should be cleaned and washed on a regular basis, or as and when needed.
Sometimes, even with the best possible care for your pet, things go south and your pet may fall sick. During this time, it is completely normal for you to feel anxious. This is when you need to take your pet to a seasoned veterinarian to conduct a thorough diagnosis and prescribe an appropriate treatment. As far as veterinary testing is concerned, VETLAB has got you covered.

Have a Question? Talk to Us!

If you have any questions or wish to learn more about the diagnostic provisions for companion animals, fill out our contact form or simply call 011 66 448 448.

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