Disease & Tests

Important Tests for Dairy Animals in Diagnosis of Diseases
Mastitis | Milk Culture sensitivity test | Take milk form affected udder in sterile container Take milk after initial stripping Milk to be stored in 2-8C if need to be transported Start Rx after taking sample. | Test will tell most sensitive antibiotic Better Results No issue of resistance |
Diarrhoea | Stool Examination | Take faeces in any container | Will come to know the parasite and can deworm accordingly |
Abortion History | Bovine Brucella Test | Take blood in Red tube container | Brucella positive animal diagnosed Prevents spread and abortion |
Weak/ Anaemic Animal Low Milk Production | CBC | TAKE 3-4 ML blood in Red and blue top vials | Any infection in blood known |
Blood Protozoa | Any blood parasite like Babesia/Theileria known | ||
LFT | TAKE 3-4 ML blood in Red top vials | Liver is working properly or not | |
Low Milk Production | Calcium / Phosphorous | TAKE 3-4 ML blood in Red top vials | Can know the level of calcium whether proper or not test Can Rx accordingly for better productivity |
Bull non productive | Testosterone | TAKE 3-4 ML blood in Red top vials | If testosterone level low. Semen quality poor conception rate not good |
Infertility | Estrogen Progesterone | TAKE 3-4 ML blood in Red top vials | If hormones level not Normal. Then hormonal Treatment can be started |
Cow not conceiving | Blood to be collected when animal in heat | ||
Cow not conceiving | EarlyMet (Vaginal Swab culture) |
Helps in early detection of endometritis | Can treat the at early stage and prevents the loss of days in lactation |
Heat not proper | Vaginal cytology | Make a slide form vaginal discharge at the time of heat | Helps in detection of proper time of insemination |
Pregnancy test | EarlyPregT EarlyPregM |
TAKE 3-4 ML blood in Red top vials for cows and in Blue top for buffaloes | Detects pregnant after 28 days in cows and 30 days in buffaloes |
High fever | Blood parasite (BP) | TAKE 3-4 ML blood in blue top make a smear on slide from | If fever is continuous after vials or antibiotic treatment |
Blood in Urine | Blood parasite (BP) | TAKE 3-4 ML blood in blue top vials or given make a smear on slide from drop from ear vein | The blood parasite can be detected and treatment accordingly |
Low Productivity/Infertility | Pre-Breeding Blood Trace Mineral Test |
TAKE 3-4 ML blood in Red top vials | Can supplement the heard based on the deficiency of minerals |
New Animal | CBC /BLOOD PROTOZOA / BRUCELLA / CA:P/Faeces/ BUN/ SGOT/SGPT | One can find the animal health status before adding to heard | Can be treated before it affects others |
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