
Spectrum Allergy Test

Spectrum Allergy Test

The most common type of allergy in pets is atopic dermatitis: a type I or direct-type hypersensitive reaction to inhalation allergens, such as pollen and mites.
A flea allergy is a mixed allergy, a combination of direct-type I and delayed-type IV hypersensitivity, caused by contact with flea saliva. Food allergy where certain food components function as an allergen; contact allergy where the reaction is caused by antigens that come into contact with the skin (carpeting, blankets, shampoo, etc.).
The clinical signs of different allergies mentioned above can look similar. However, the treatment of each of these allergies is quite different; this is why the correct diagnosis is important before starting the treatment.

Atopy in Dogs

Atopy is one of the most common types of allergy in dogs. A study conducted in 2001 estimated between 3% and 15% of dogs suffer from an atopic condition. Atopy is hereditary and it can lead to allergies against the pollen of some plants (e.g. grasses, weeds, trees), fungi or various dust and storage mites. Certain breeds appear to be at higher than average risk of developing atopy. Such breeds include the Lhasa Apso, Alsatian, Boxer, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Poodle, West Highland White Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Jack Russell, and Fox Terrier².

Diagnosis of atopy

It is extremely important in the diagnostics of atopic dermatitis to have a systematically prepared clinical history, as well as to adequately record all of the information obtained during the entire process of the examination.
The following aspects are important in the clinical history:
-Age at which symptoms first developed: the first symptoms occur as early as between the age 1-3 years in 75% of the atopic patients sporadically, symptoms occur in animals under 6 months of age. The initial symptoms are often ignored by the owner because of a quick response on following medication, a spontaneous recovery with the changing of the seasons or a change in the environmental factors.
Season-related: initial the symptoms of a pollen allergy are usually season-related. However, the longer the atopy continues, the more the symptoms can manifest themselves throughout the year. Allergens such as house dust mite and cat epithelium, on the other hand, may cause atopic dermatitis throughout the year.

Additional diagnostic tests

Skin scrapings microscopic tests, fungal and bacterial cultures must be conducted in order to exclude any ecto-parasitic and infectious causes of skin problems. An elimination diet (hypo-allergenic diet, possibly followed by a provocation (challenge) diet, can provide information regarding the likeliness of a food allergy.

Differential Diagnosis

Important differential diagnostics for atopic dermatitis are: demodicosis, dermatophytosis, food allergy, idiopathic pododermatitis and trombiculosis (trombiculid mites). If these tests are negative excluded, the probable diagnosis is atopic dermatitis, the next step is to perform an allergy test.

Treatment options

After having diagnosed atopic dermatitis there are several treatment options to be considered.

Elimination of allergens

The elimination of allergens aims to completely avoid contact with the allergens. This method is the fastest way to get results, but is often not an option; this is certainly the case if there is hypersensitivity for multiple antigens or in the case of hypersensitivity to grass, tree pollen or house dust mite which are very difficult if not impossible to avoid, for example.

Symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic medication relieves the allergic symptoms from which the patient is suffering fairly quickly, but only for a limited period of time. Unfortunately, most symptomatic drugs have disadvantages, particularly if they – as is the case in atopy – have to be administered for life.

Corticosteroids, cyclosporines or antihistamines

Antihistamines are only slightly effective in dogs (10-15% effectiveness).
Treatment with corticosteroids and cyclosporine is highly suitable to suppress the allergy, however, due to their side effects, they should not be administered for long periods of time.
Symptomatic therapies can be useful for the following categories of patients:
-Season-related atopy during only a few months every year
-Seasonal atopy during some months of the year;
-Animals of which one suspects the presence of atopy, but in which the causal allergens cannot be identified (intrinsic atopic dermatitis).

Essential fatty acids

Administering Essential fatty acids like omega 3 in the diet can lead to a positive result in approx. 10% of the cases.

Allergen-specific immunotherap

Tries to make the patient less sensitive or not sensitive at all for the substance to which it is allergic by injecting the animal with the allergens in increasingly larger doses and at increasingly longer intervals.
Patients that have symptoms for more than 3 months can be considered for allergen-specific immunotherapy. The owner should be made aware that this is a lifelong treatment that does not cure the condition completely but rather keeps it under control.


The results of allergen-specific immunotherapy: a significant improvement (>50%) of the clinical signs occurs in the course of time in 75% of the treated animals; it is assumed in this respect that any pyodermatitis (skin infection) and/or seborrhea (dry form of excessive secretion of sebum mixed with flakes of the skin) is treated simultaneously¹.

VETLAB in association with Spectrum Vet USA providing Two panels test.

For more details contact VETLAB expert @ +91- 9899006366 or mail at info@vetlab.in Or visit https://spectrum.vet/for-pet-parents/allergy-testing/

Spectrum Spot Platinum Allergy Test- 91 Allergens
Spectrum Food Allergy Panel- 24 Allergens

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