Early Protection Programme

“EPP – EARLY PROECTION PROGRAMME” or Early Detection of any disease or abnormality in Dogs/ cats. The programme is designed with an objective to detect in advance if something abnormal started happening in dog / cat.
The programme comprises a panel of tests like CBC (Complete Blood count), KFT (Kidney Functions tests), LFT ( Liver function tests) . TFT (Thyroid function tests), Blood sugar, Urine Examination, Parasites Examination and ultrasound which helps your vet in identifying the disease at very early stage and start the cure by preventing the disease to reach a stage where it becomes difficult to manage. This programme includes in total 65 parameters which are being analysed. The normal cost by per test it comes 5400/- whereas if you take EPP then it will cost you just 4500/- and you can avail same anytime during the year. All tests and ultrasound to be performed together on single day with after taking an appointment for visit to the lab.

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